Sari Bari is excited to be able to open the doors to freedom to more women!  Today we signed the final paperwork for the purchase of a property which will provide space for up to 67 women to find empowering work and a choice for a new life. Specifically we purchased  this building as a part of the 2015 Heroes Campaign and it will be used to employ young women vulnerable to re-trafficking as well as women seeking to exit the sex trade.  

It has been a long road to this day.  The original property that we had planned to buy fell through plus we still had some fundraising hurdles to overcome.  Thankfully as 2016 came to a close, things began coming together as we found a new property which is bigger, better condition and it has a garden.  Additionally with the Opus Prize we were able to complete our fundraising goals for the Heroes Campaign.  We are thankful to all the donors who contributed $175,000 to the Heroes Campaign and we are thankful to be able to use $100,000 from the Opus Prize to be able to fulfill our commitments to purchasing this property and providing employment and opportunity to young women exiting aftercare who are vulnerable to re-trafficking.

Today is a win for freedom!  Celebrate with us!