Sari Bari Aftercare Programming: One time donation
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At the heart of all aftercare programming at Sari Bari are partnerships with the women themselves, a commitment to holistic freedom, and empowerment-focused programs.

On the ground, the aftercare team - made up of social workers, a health professional, and an administrator – partner with the women as they themselves journey towards greater freedom. And from around the world, financial partners who sponsor various programs make all of our aftercare work possible.

Each woman who walks into Sari Bari begins a journey towards restoration, wholeness, and empowerment in every area of her life. Sari Bari is committed to partnering with each woman as she takes the steps she needs to each day towards holistic freedom.

Sari Bari is also committed to ensuring that all aftercare programming remains empowering for the women – they are encouraged to take ownership and actively participate in their own restoration and empowerment. We celebrate with the women when they confidently say:

“I am sending my children to a good school…”

“I am making it through this illness…”

“I am learning to sew and have a good job…”

“I know I am changing the way I think about things…”

For 2018, we are raising $24,000 to fund aftercare programming at Sari Bari. Will you join in the journey of becoming in 2018? Will you participate in these precious stories of holistic freedom?

On behalf of the women of Sari Bari and the aftercare team, I thank you for the ways you have partnered and will continue to partner with us!

For freedom,

Sera Han

Executive Aftercare Consultant, Sari Bari Private Limited 

You can also set up a monthly donation to support a specific program or Aftercare programming in general.  Monthly donation can be set up here. 

Sari Bari Programming Details

Social and Medical Welfare: Emergency and crisis situations can leave the women vulnerable to great risk. Support for health and psychosocial needs in these times ensure the women remain free from exploitative situations and further crisis.

HIV Support: Women with HIV manage their own medical care through public programs.  Monthly supplemental income, vitamins, and psychosocial support from Sari Bari ensure their financial, health, and emotional support needs are met.

Mental Health Groups: Social workers facilitate a safe and therapeutic space of processing, learning, and support in small groups settings.

Home Loan Matching: Sustainable futures for the women include making home improvements or making plans to build homes in safe areas. As women save funds towards these ends, Sari Bari partners with them by matching their funds and granting home loans. 

Well Woman Check-ups: Biannual, comprehensive health screenings are provided to ensure the women are able to access preventative care as well treatment for medical issues.

School Support: Sari Bari partners with the women women and their children as they dream for brighter futures through education. The women themselves contribute about 35% of total educational costs, and Sari Bari contributes about 65%.

Training: For three to six months, women who join Sari Bari take part in sewing training, literacy classes, mental health groups, and medical check-ups. These programs support the women in making a healthy and sustainable transition into full-time employment at Sari Bari.

Leadership Development: Staff and leaders participate in various education and training opportunities in order to bring further development to Sari Bari.

Community Outreach: Through financial aid and community events, Sari Bari provides various support to women, children, and families impacted by the commercial sex trade.

Literacy Classes: Each trainee and new employee of Sari Bari gains basic literacy and numeracy skills through literacy classes. Through these skills, the women find greater empowerment to engage in their own development, rights, entitlements, and opportunities as members of society.